Jack & Helen Frye Story - the Camelot Years of TWA
Sedona's Celebrity Love Story!
By Randall Reynolds
The Frye Legacy- a Lifetime of Accomplishment
This is the official not to mention only web-portal in the world
dedicated exclusively to the Legacy of Jack & Helen Frye!
Notation: This the 'NEW' (Sedona Legend Helen Frye - the Camelot Years of TWA) website, the original format launched in 2003 is no longer supported by host Yahoo Geocities and has been discontinued. On this 20-year anniversary (2023) portions of the original website will be rebuilt within these pages. This effort is managed and owned by Sedona Legend Publishing, the overview title is now 'The Sedona Frye TWA Story', with world URL www.sedonatwa.org
Herein you will find a historic perspective of Sedona that was nearly lost to time itself; the real HISTORY of Red Rock State Park. A rich and valuable legacy which must not ever be forgotten or swept under the carpet, a showcase of treasured information and documentation. Sedona's history with Transcontinental & Western Air (TWA) one of the world's largest and most beloved airlines and how this association helped put Sedona Arizona on the map!
Red Rock State Park, the 'Crown Jewel' of the Arizona State Park system and one-time private playground of the rich and famous. Originally owned and discovered in 1941 by one of the most glamorous couples in America and one of the greatest aviation legends this country has ever known! An association so powerful the original identity of the property will always be known as the Frye 'Smoke Trail Ranch' and the 'TWA Ranch at Sedona'.
Dare to delve beneath the surface and discover the hidden and forgotten history of one of the most pristine, beautiful, and priceless real estate parcels of the Southwestern United States!
William John 'Jack' Frye
Founder - President of Transcontinental & Western Airline (TWA)
With a passion for flight Jack created the first transcontinental air service for our vast country, later with the development of the Lockheed Constellation airliner, the first scheduled Trans-Atlantic air service, and soon after, round-the-world service. There are few people on this planet who have not been affected by this magnanimous man's vision, for it is he who envisioned the first pressurized modern airliner, designed to fly above inclement weather!
As an avid entrepreneur from the onset, Jack Frye at 18, bought a half ownership in a struggling air operation venture in Los Angeles California. One year later, he included two partners, Walter A. Hamilton and Paul E. Richter, Jr. This operation eventually became known as Aero Corporation and Standard Air Lines, with Jack Frye as president of both.
To list all the associations of Jack Frye would be quite impossible! To give one an inkling, he was inducted into Harvard Business School's 'Twentieth Century Greatest Business Leaders Hall of Fame' (at just 1000 inductees). Frye is certainly well-placed having exercised phenomenal business connections and accomplishments in a very short life of just 54 years! On June 20, 1992, William John Frye received his highest posthumous honor as inducted into the National Aviation Hall of Fame at Dayton Ohio (a black tie affair attended by 1000 guests). As one of the greatest commercial aviation legends in our country this high-flying entrepreneur is now listed alongside his friends and peers at this world-famous 'Hall of Fame'.
Helen Varner Anderson Vanderbilt Frye
Society Hostess, Corporate Wife
Fashion Designer, Artist & Illustrator
Sedona Legend- Her Legacy
(Right to Left) Irma Protzmann Hannegan (wife of Robert Hannegan U.S. Postmaster General & Chairman of Democratic National Committee), Kathryn Murphy Nunan (wife of Joseph D. Nunan Jr. Internal Revenue Commissioner), President of TWA, Jack Frye & wife Helen Varner Vanderbilt Frye, & Harriet Appelwick (Frye TWA Lockheed Lodestar V.I.P. Hostess) doorway, others unknown. Image was taken at the deplaning of a flight with Jack and Helen Frye, the aircraft shown is TWA Lockheed Lodestar NC33604. Location was likely Washington D.C. (Washington National Airport) DCA. The circumstances are not known, another flight close to this timeframe was in connection with a Democratic junket (vacation) the Fryes took to Florida with Robert Hannegan (Chairman of the Democratic National Committee) and his wife Irma. The passengers shown are some of the most politically connected of the Roosevelt administration. Jack, too, was one of the most powerful men of the Democratic Party in the 1940's and 1950’s (Roosevelt and Truman administrations). Further exploration can be found on page ' TWA Lockheed Lodestar 18 NC33604'. The Lodestar could board 14 passengers with 3 crew members (1945). The image (above) was originally a Reni News Photo but it appears the copyright has not been updated and renewed to our current time frame of 2025, therefore the image is displayed in accordance with fair use practice and thought to be 'public domain'. The image is displayed as historically significant and in a manner which does not generate profit, any infringement on the copyright of said is not intentional. On file at the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library. Truman Library image(s) hold specialized copyrights & usage fees – paid by Sedona Legend.
Helen Frye, truly a remarkable woman, married Jack Frye at the onset of the 1940's and was to witness the years in which TWA really matured as a world airline. Jack had just brought his friend Howard Hughes online (1939) after which TWA enjoyed a seemingly endless flow of capital. A time-period appropriately coined the 'Camelot Years of TWA', the beloved airline truly soared! Jack and Helen Frye were one of the first 'power couples' in a time when wives were expected to be seen and not heard! Standing solidly beside her husband (not behind him) Helen offered support and an innate knowledge of execution, Helen Frye, however, was much more than a social figurehead. Previously married to a direct descendant of one of the wealthiest and most powerful families in American history she gained much experience observing an exclusive 'man's world' of money, power, and business. At the side of Jack Frye, one of the nation's most powerful and influential corporate leaders, Helen was an invaluable asset and was treated accordingly by Jack Frye and Howard Hughes. As a society leader in early Sedona, Helen Varner Vanderbilt Frye forged several bridges of cultural and artistic expression. Her interest in the arts stemmed from her own talents as an artist and gifted writer. Helen endeavored to find support for other early Sedona artists as well. Helen's aunt (previous marriage) was Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney, a consummate artist and the founder of the Whitney Museum of American Art at N.Y.C. This added association likely influenced a young Mrs. Helen Vanderbilt toward a life long association with the fine arts. In the spring of 1959, Helen Frye, George Babbitt Jr., his wife Madeline Hunter Babbitt, Nassan Gobran, and other associates launched 'Canyon Kiva' which evolved into the Sedona Arts Center 'Barn'. The Sedona Artist's Studios is yet another association of these efforts. As a life-long animal lover, Helen also saw the need for an animal shelter in Sedona. Earlier in life as Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt Jr., Helen was shopping on 5th Avenue in N.Y.C., when she noticed unsavory people beating a German Shepherd police dog in an alley. Without an ounce of fear, this impeccably dressed socialite walked up to the dog, grabbed the leash and walked away, to the amazement of the abusers. Sonja (as Helen named the rescue) became Helen's loving companion for the remainder of Sonja's life. This experience galvanized Helen and opened her eyes to the plight of unwanted pets. This humanity eventually resulted in her co-founding the Sedona Humane Society. Previously, with no Sedona facilities, the cast aside pets of Sedona were housed by Helen and other founding members in their own homes at their own expense. The first telephone service in 'rural' Sedona? This came directly as associated with Helen Frye and Transcontinental & Western Air, or TWA, as we know it today! Many attempts were made by the Fryes to establish a phone link from the rural Frye Ranch to the outside world via the local phone company which had limited resources. The matter was only resolved after Helen got the brilliant idea to send the short-sighted telephone company copies of Jack's TWA telephone bills. In no time at all a dedicated phone line was installed at the TWA ranch! This primitive telephone connection was soon smoking with Jack's frequent calls to TWA and Howard Hughes. As an entrepreneur real estate developer, Helen Varner Frye, with partner Nassan Gobran and other associates, developed a small portion of the Frye Smoke Trail Ranch into the beautiful 'Cup of Gold' estates. Envisioned and planned for all homeowners to have unfettered access to Oak Creek the development was a Sedona real estate success of 1955!
'A long time ago in a decidedly different time, over the spires of Sedona a silver airship climbed. Banking, dropping, low to the ground, Jack and Helen Frye had found their little town. Property rugged, too rough to land, they both vowed to return as soon as they can. Return they did with maps in hand, staking their claim to this most beautiful land. A vision, Jack and Helen willed, became the House of Apache Fires which took years to build. On the Wings of the Wind Jack and Helen Frye came, Smoke Trail Ranch they soon tamed. These two celebrities, travelers from afar, in the end became Sedona's First Celebrity Stars!' Written by Randall Reynolds (Sedona Legend Publishing)
Whenever Jack was at the Sedona Ranch or anywhere else in the country his life was consumed with the operation and responsibility of TWA. On his shoulders rested the safety of thousands of airline passengers and the management of the many employees, all of which enabled TWA to flourish and succeed! Jack was a rancher at heart, a lover of nature and rural living, yet his career with TWA consumed his life, his beloved Sedona only enjoyed in stolen moments. (Shown Jack & Helen Frye are ready to board Jack's executive plane Lockheed Electra 12A TWA NC18137).
The Frye Ranch consisted of the adjoining Frye Deer-Lick Ranch (1941 to 1947) now as Cross Creek Ranch Estates. In 1954, Helen Frye developed an adjoining southern parcel as Cup of Gold Estates. To the north (a section added in 1950) by Jack Frye is known today as Smoke Trail Ranch Estates. At one time, the Frye Ranch consisted of more than 700 acres of Sedona's most valuable and pristine creek side property known as 'Smoke Trail Ranch' so named by the Fryes.
Currently, a remaining portion (286 acres) of this famous ranch remains today as Red Rock State Park. Frye landmarks include the House of Apache Fires or the 'Apache Fires' house as Jack and Helen called it, as also the Wings of the Wind House and the Willow House (so named by Helen Frye). Other landmarks were various other ranch buildings to include the historic dwellings at the now named Cross Creek Ranch Estates. Lastly, there was Sky Fires House (now demolished) at the Ridge (renowned local golf course) in the (VOC) Village of Oak Creek (Sedona).
First came the Sedona Legend Helen Frye Website in 2003, after 12 years, the comprehensive background story of this remarkable couple in E-Book/Softback format with previously unavailable information was published, written to complement the original (Sedona Legend Helen Frye website). The novel covers the Jack and Helen Frye romance in linear manner from beginning to the end. Today, the new 'Sedona Frye TWA Story', at the 20-year anniversary we have the www.sedonatwa.org web portal. Take the time, relax, and travel back in time to the glamorous world of 'Jack & Helen Frye & the Camelot Years of TWA!'
From the shadows of beyond the words pour forth like summer rain…. The Jack and Helen Frye Story is much more than the chronology of two people’s lives, it’s a spiritual quest, a yearning from the heart of soulmates Helen and Jack who desire their story to be told, their priceless paths not be erased! Time has a way of forgetting who was, and what was, but the written word lays it all at our feet! From a small town in West Virginia, to the gold-paved streets of Fifth Avenue, Helen Varner knew she was born to walk a path; a path that would lead her far and away from her origins. Her talents as a hat-maker and seamstress, writer, sculptor, and artist, opened doors to a gilded and rose-hued horizon. Within these pages unfolds the sojourn of a woman who knows what she wants and goes after it. Voluptuous and beautiful, the world’s most powerful men fall at her feet. In 1935, 26-year-old Helen Varner marries 36-year-old playboy Cornelius Vanderbilt IV. Later, after a separation, she moves to mystical Shanghai, and Hollywood. By 1938, Helen meets the love of her life, aviation-legend Jack Frye. As President of TWA, Frye trail-blazes the dawning of aviation and tames Helen’s heart with his fleet of sleek airliners and enormous western charm. Jack and Helen marry by January 1941 and embark on the wings of an American Love Story, as only soul mates can share. In flights over the Western United States in their private plane, Jack and Helen settle on the Red Rock Country of Sedona Arizona to build a new life together. With a grand act of chivalry, Jack buys a massive ranch adjoining Oak Creek and hands the deed to Helen. Frye and Howard Hughes develop the Lockheed Constellation during W.W. II and Frye loans his planes to the U.S. Government, culminating in a wartime partnership with the White House.
The Sedona Legend Web Site is a copyrighted historical photo enhanced narrative presented for educational and entertainment purposes. Some materials may be displayed in regard to the United States Fair Use Act. This web portal is totally non-profit and generates no income nor does it seek or has it ever accepted a single donation. It is an independent venture.
Sedona Legend was envisioned and created to provide Red Rock State Park visitors a comprehensive historic overview for Jack and Helen Frye and their Deer-Lick and Smoke Trail Ranches. This effort is now officially cited by R.R.S.P. as an in depth historical venue representing Jack and Helen Frye.
Sedona Legend is encouraged by the many friends of Jack and Helen Frye. A gracious thank you to the Frye and Varner families for invaluable support and Red Rock State Park staff and volunteers for their enthusiasm.
Formerly Sedona Legend Helen Frye, a.k.a. the Jack and Helen Frye Story (now as The Sedona Frye TWA Story) sedonatwa.org
Email for this web portal is sedonafryetwastory@gmail.com
22-years of Research and Presentation, Created By Randall D. Reynolds
Copyright © 2003/2025 All Rights Reserved